What we are up to
20.20.2024 – 🎄 Yesterday, our office embraced the joy of giving and sharing with our annual Secret Santa tradition. This year, we exchanged books—stories, essays, and adventures that will spark new ideas and conversations well into the new year.
📚 As part of our Christmas traditions, sharing thoughts about our favorite readings always brings us closer, reminding us of the magic found between the pages of a good book.
To add a touch of whimsy, each of us was also gifted a little gnome—our new desk companions, bringing smiles and festive cheer.
We are all happy to share with you some of the pictures taken on this special occasion.
🎅🏻Season’s greetings to all!
18.12.2024 – Our team, represented by Dan Mihai – Founding Partner and Mariana Voinea – Senior Lawyer, had the honour to provide legal assistance to the CEO and shareholder of Total Technologies, Mr. Giani Iancu, by reviewing and negotiating the documents of the transaction by which the company was acquired by SARMIS CAPITAL, through Smart ID Technology, a transaction subject to the approval of the Competition Council.
Total Technologies is one of the leading business consultants and integrators of customised digital solutions, with over 30 years of experience in the Romanian technology market. The company focuses on the integration of specialised solutions and the complete process of automatic data collection and processing for industries such as retail, manufacturing, courier, logistics and distribution, with the aim of streamlining operational processes and reducing costs.
This transaction strengthens Smart ID’s and Total Technologies regional leadership position and creates an integrated structure that will support the delivery of complex technology solutions in areas such as retail, logistics, manufacturing and courier.
🙏 Giani Iancu deserves special thanks for the trust and confidence he has placed in our team. We are proud to contribute to large-scale projects that transform the market and support the development of businesses in Romania and the region.
10.12.2024 – 🎄✨ This week, we gathered for our much-loved Christmas Dinner, a cherished tradition of our law firm, that brings warmth and joy as we close another successful year together.
This year, we marked 1, 2, 4, 5, and an incredible 14 years of dedication, with some milestones celebrated twice!
1️⃣ is for Maria Cristina Bucur and Cosmin-Alexandru Maga
2️⃣ is for Mariana Voinea and Alexandra-Amalia Boncea
4️⃣ goes with Gabriela Dimancescu
5️⃣ is for Dana Laura Buruiană
1️⃣4️⃣ is shared by Maria ILIN and Ana-Maria Grigore
Each number tells a story of growth, challenges overcome, and success achieved together. It’s a reminder that our strength as a firm comes from the individuals who give their best every day and the teamwork that unites us.
A special thank you goes to the one who made this celebration possible, Raluca Mihai: the meticulous planning and effort behind the scenes did not go unnoticed. And, of course, to our leader, Dan Mihai, for inspiring us to grow and excel as a team!
Here’s to us, the bonds we share, and the incredible things we’ll achieve in the year to come!
25.11.2024 – Felicitări colegei noastre Cătălina Ambrino, care a depus jurământul de avocat la sfârșitul săptămânii trecute!
Acest moment marchează începutul unei noi etape în cariera sa și suntem onorați să îi fim alături în acest parcurs. Suntem încântați că își începe stagiatura alături de echipa noastră și suntem convinși că energia, entuziasmul și dedicarea sa vor aduce valoare în tot ceea ce facem împreună.
Bine ai venit în echipă, Cătălina! Îți dorim un parcurs plin de succes și realizări frumoase alături de noi !
21.11.2024 – În această săptămână, echipa noastră reprezentată de Mariana Voinea, Maria Cristina Bucur și de Tudor Voinicu, a avut plăcerea de a susține un workshop cu tema „Hărțuirea la locul de muncă”, organizat în cadrul cursului de HR Management – modulul de Employment Law al facultății BISM – Bucharest International School of Management, în parteneriat cu Abertay University.
Pe lângă explorarea subiectului principal, prezentarea a inclus și date statistice relevante, cazuri celebre de hărțuire, atât la nivel național, cât și internațional, precum și informații despre mișcarea MeToo. Am discutat, de asemenea, despre fenomenele de bullying, cyberbullying și mobbing, pentru a le oferi studenților o înțelegere clară a implicațiilor acestor comportamente nocive, dar și a drepturilor pe care le au și a modurilor în care se pot proteja.
👩⚖️În a doua parte a workshop-ului, am adus puțină adrenalină în sală cu două procese simulate, centrate pe situații de hărțuire la locul de muncă, recreând atmosfera unei săli de judecată și oferindu-le participanților o perspectivă practică asupra subiectului.
🌷 Mulțumim Sandra Jitianu pentru deschiderea și sprijinul oferite, precum și pentru oportunitatea de a împărtăși experiențele noastre cu acești tineri inspirați și implicați. A fost o plăcere să fim parte din parcursul lor educațional, iar entuziasmul lor ne motivează să revenim cu bucurie la viitoare evenimente!🤝✨
20.11.2024 – 🎈 It’s time to celebrate: we are absolutely thrilled that Dan Mihai, the founder of our law firm, has been appointed as an arbitrator at the TAS/CAS Tribunal Arbitral du Sport / Court of Arbitration for Sport / Tribunal Arbitral del Deporte!
Dan’s journey reflects his commitment and multi-talented abilities. As an experienced corporate lawyer, he has consistently delivered excellence in corporate law.
His passion for sport, rooted in his own experience as a professional athlete in junior competitions, has now taken a new form in this highly specialised area of sports law.
This appointment reflects not only Dan’s legal expertise, but also his commitment to fairness and integrity in the world of sport.
🎉 Congratulations Dan on this incredible achievement – your journey continues to inspire us all! ❤️
19.11.2024 – 🎈 Felicitări Alexandra-Amalia Boncea, Maria Cristina Bucur și Cosmin-Alexandru Maga!
Suntem extrem de mândri să anunțăm că trei dintre colegii noștri au absolvit cu succes examenul de definitivat la INPPA-Institutul Național de Pregătire și Perfecționare a Avocaților.
Acesta este un pas important în cariera lor, marcând începutul unei noi etape pline de provocări și oportunități. Ne bucurăm să avem alături oameni dedicați, ambițioși și pasionați, care contribuie zi de zi la valoarea și profesionalismul echipei noastre.
Le dorim mult succes în continuare și suntem siguri că vor avea realizări remarcabile! 👏✨
14.11.2024 – 🌟Din nou pe covorul roșu la TNB!
Aseară am avut plăcerea de a fi alături de clienții noștri de la Transilvania Film si Libra Films la premiera filmului Moromeții 3 în regia lui Stere Gulea.
🎦O experiență cinematografică de excepție care închide trilogia după romanul omonim al lui Marin Preda și ne transpune în România anilor ’50, recreată cu o atenție captivantă la detalii.
🌹Mulțumim Tudor Giurgiu și Oana Bujgoi Giurgiu pentru atenția cu care am fost primiți și pentru această ocazie de a celebra împreună arta cinematografică !
29.10.2024 – Last weekend, our colleague Gabriela Dimancescu attended the AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers event in Malaga, joining young lawyers from around Europe for a memorable experience filled with professional insight and engaging social moments. Here’s what she shared with us about her time at the conference:
❓ What was the atmosphere like at the AIJA event in Malaga?
For Gabriela, this was her first time attending an AIJA event, and the welcoming, friendly atmosphere exceeded all expectations. “Everyone is very open and friendly,” she shared, describing the environment as one of collaboration and support.
❓ What were the most interesting sessions you attended?
The Saturday sessions were particularly engaging. Among them, Fiorella Larissa Erni’s presentation, led by an experienced negotiator from conflict zones, captivated participants with negotiation techniques shared in an interactive way. Another session delved into copyright law and the challenges posed by AI, discussing important issues like protecting AI-generated products and potential copyright infringement risks.
❓ Was cybersecurity also discussed?
Yes, a special session on Friday focused on cybersecurity, analyzing different approaches to this area in different countries. The topic attracted a lot of attention from the attending lawyers due to the growing importance of digital security in today’s world.
❓ What was the social experience like at the end of the event?
Participants had the opportunity to connect in a relaxed, enjoyable way through a group cooking class. Together, they prepared paella and other traditional Spanish appetizers, and enjoyed these dishes over dinner, paired with lively conversation and a glass of cerveza or wine.
❓ How was Malaga as a conference destination?
Malaga proved to be a charming host, with beautiful views and a vibrant atmosphere. Delegates enjoyed both the professional sessions and the local charm, which gave the event a unique, authentic touch.
14.10.2024 – 🌍 Reflections from AIJA’s Istanbul Seminar: A Fusion of Insight and Inspiration
Last weekend, our colleague Mariana Voinea attended the AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers seminar in the captivating city of Istanbul—a gathering where legal experts from around Europe came together to explore the future of public M&A.
From in-depth discussions on international takeover laws to the subtleties of management incentives, the sessions were packed with valuable insights.
✨ One of the standout moments was the panel “How to Share the Cake: Management Incentives and Retention”, moderated by Cindy Hoogteijling. During this session, we took part in an excellent role-play experience that brought theory to life, demonstrating how management incentives can make or break deals. The panelists, Dr. Anh-Duc Cordalis Mette Graah, and Alexander Bork, led an engaging interactive scenario that provided a new perspective on balancing interests in M&A transactions. It was a unique and eye-opening experience for all involved!
Other sessions such as “Fairytale Gone Bad” provided further lessons on navigating botched transactions, while discussions on “Directors’ Liability” shed light on the evolving responsibilities of corporate leaders in today’s market. But the seminar wasn’t just about professional growth—it was also about connecting in a city rich in history and culture. Istanbul, with its breathtaking views of the Bosphorus and iconic landmarks like the Topkapi Palace, offered the perfect backdrop for networking and reflection.
🌅 Whether enjoying a rooftop reception overlooking the city or taking a boat tour along the Bosphorus, the spirit of collaboration was there, making this seminar an unforgettable experience!
Thank you, AIJA! Until next time!
1.10.2024 – 📍Lausanne 2024: 9th International Sport Arbitration Conference
Last weekend, our colleague Dan Mihai attended the prestigious 9th International Sport Arbitration Conference, organized by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and the Swiss Bar Association (SAV/FSA), at the iconic Beau-Rivage Palace in Lausanne.
Legal experts from around the world discussed key topics such as gender policies in sport, European competition law, digital rights in football, and FIFA’s latest reforms.
Congratulations to all involved in the organization, especially to Michele Bernasconi and Matthieu Reeb, for making this event a tremendous success. Thank you for bringing together the best minds in sports law and driving impactful discussions!
8.8.2024 – 🏋️Felicitări clientului nostru – Federația Română de Haltere, pentru succesul Mihaelei Cambei- medaliată cu argint în cadrul competiției olimpice de la Paris (haltere, 49kg).
Am urmărit cu multă emoție concursul și am fost fericiți de acest imens succes al sportului românesc.
🥈Este prima medalie olimpică obținută de România la haltere feminin.
🌟 Felicitări, Mihaela, ție și întregii echipe!
8.8.2024 – Ne place sa ne mândrim cu colegii noștri, pentru performanțele lor profesionale și nu numai.
Azi ne bucurăm și îl felicitam pe Tudor Voinicu pentru doua etape importante parcurse : susținerea lucrării de dizertație și depunerea jurământului de avocat la baroul București.
Această dubla realizare remarcabilă este o dovadă a dedicării și muncii sale susținute.
Tudor, îți urăm mult succes și ne bucurăm să te avem alături la începutul carierei tale de avocat.
16.07.2024- Cu toții ne amintim de atmosfera de sărbătoare de pe stadioanele din Germania din timpul campionatului european de fotbal abia încheiat.
Dar lucrurile nu stau întotdeauna așa. Cadrul legislativ există și reglementează toate aspectele ce privesc organizarea evenimentelor sportive, dar există reguli și responsabilități și pentru spectatori.
📺Recent, Dan Mihai a fost invitat în platoul DIGI, în cadrul emisiunii “Interviul Digi Sport”, moderată de Andreea Trușcă, care l-a avut alături pe jurnalistul Bogdan Pop.
17.06.2024 – Saptamana trecuta echipa noastra a finalizat prima etapa a unui curs de Project management, care a avut ca scop cresterea eficientei echipei, o mai buna utilizare a timpului si a resurselor, imbunatatirea comunicarii si a satisfactiei clientilor nostri, promovarea colaborarii in echipa si o mai rapida si usoara adaptare la schimbare.
Multumim, Tudor Jitianu, pentru modul in care ne-ai facut subiectul interesant si atragator, pentru toate raspunsurile bine argumentate si recomandarile facute.
Ne-am luat tema peste vara: ne antrenam in noul mod de lucru. La urmatorul modul, programat la inceput de toamna, ne dorim sa stapanim deja subtilitatile managementului de proiect.
12.06.2024 – Every day brings new learning opportunities.
Yesterday we attended an event dedicated to innovation in e-commerce: dotCommerce Digital Retail Forum.
All the subjects which were discussed during very animated panels gave us several legal watch-outs that we should consider when developing an e-development strategy.
We’re here to learn, but also to contribute to a better and safer e-environment.
Thank you, Arthur Radulescu & MerchantPro team for this smart day!
11.06.2024 – Last week we had the pleasure of attending an incredible workshop at the ISLE ACADEMY in Athens with Professor Boris Groysberg from Harvard Business School 🌟
The event was a deep dive into the critical aspects of thriving in today’s digital, data-driven world. We explored how to effectively manage performance with data insights and strategies to engage, inspire and retain employees in a dynamic digital landscape.
Discussions on digital transformation highlighted the critical role of leadership in managing change, while we also explored how leaders need to adapt to lead in data-centric organizations.
We explored the importance of customer-centric digital innovation, and the power of trust and effective communication in leadership.
🌿A big thank you to Georgios Sofianos, Angeliki Karava, Andreea Chiforeanu and Vassia Alexandri for organizing such a transformative workshop!
To summarize the key insights:
🌟”Hope is not a strategy!” – Boris Groysberg
22.05.2024 – Mid-May we had the privilege of gathering in Lisbon for the annual Proteus – International Network of Law Firms meeting. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as we came together to share insights, discuss recent developments, and strengthen our collaborative bonds.
During the meeting, we enthusiastically exchanged updates with fellow country members, ensuring that our legal expertise remains at the forefront.
A highlight of the event was extending a warm welcome to our new member from Poland – SK+ Siekierzyński Kochlewski Sp. j. As part of this alliance, we are committed to contributing our unique perspectives and skills to the network’s growth.
Until then, we thank Miguel Fabre for the flawless organisation of the Lisbon meeting and we loog forward to meeting next year in Rotterdam.
30.04.2024 – 🎉 Celebrating Libertate: 10 Awards at the Gopo Gala!
🔟 Last night, at TNB, “Libertate”, the gripping film on the Romanian Revolution in Sibiu 1989, has swept the Gopo Gala Awards, receiving 10 prestigious accolades.
🎬”Libertate” took home the top honor – the award for the best movie – but also Best Director for Tudor Giurgiu, whose visionary direction brought this powerful narrative to life.
As the legal services provider for Libra Films, we are immensely proud to see it receive such recognition.
Congratulations to the entire cast and crew for their outstanding achievement.
23.04.2024 – 👏🏻👏🏻A big round of applause for the incredible success of our client’s documentary film, “Nasty,” directed by Tudor Giurgiu, which chronicles the remarkable journey of Romanian tennis legend, Ilie Nastase.
🎞️📍Selected for a Special Screening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, “Nasty” had its share of fame on the red carpet and was received with lots of love and endless admiration.
🎦1️⃣Less than a week after its premiere, the film is dominating the box office in Romania as Number 1 with its compelling story and stunning cinematography.
🎊Congratulations to the entire team of Libra Films which was behind this groundbreaking production!
We’re proud to have played a part in bringing this inspiring story to the screen.
13.03.2024 – For two days, 12-13 March, Dan Mihai attended an insightful session at the World Anti-Doping Agency Annual Symposium as a member of the Romanian Anti-doping Appeal Commission.
The symposium buzzed with engaging and lively discussions.
Reflecting on the discussions at the hashtag WADASymposium, it’s clear that collaboration and innovation are at the forefront of advancing anti-doping efforts worldwide. From exploring the EU-WADA partnership in global anti-doping efforts to enhancing intelligence capabilities and refining testing strategies, every session emphasized the collective commitment to maintaining integrity in sports. As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of WADA, these deliberations underscore the enduring commitment to integrity in sports.
20.02.2024 – Săptămâna trecută, colega noastră Mariana Voinea a avut privilegiul să participe la un workshop intens pe teme de legislația muncii organizat de HR Club. A fost o experiență valoroasă, care ne-a reamintit de importanța împărtășirii cunoștințelor în comunitatea noastră de afaceri.
Într-o lume în continuă schimbare, în care regulile și cerințele legale se modifică frecvent, este esențial să rămânem la curent cu ultimele noutăți și să dăm mai departe din expertiza noastră pentru o susținere reciprocă în reușita noastră profesională. Workshop-ul nu a fost doar o ocazie de a învăța din prezentările specialiștilor, ci și un moment de aprofundare prin sesiunea de întrebări și răspunsuri.
Dinamica sesiunii de Q&A a demonstrat că interesul pentru tema propusă este unul real și util. Întrebările și discuțiile animate au evidențiat nevoile noastre comune și au oferit tuturor celor prezenți oportunități noi de învățare și dezvoltare.
Mulțumim încă o dată gazdelor noastre de la HR Club pentru oportunitate.
09.02.2024 – Earlier this week, our colleague Maria ILIN attended LegalTech Summit hosted by the British Embassy in Bucharest.
The insights presented by the speakers sparked engaging conversations on responsible tech integration, investment strategies, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in legal services.
At Mihai & Co. we’re committed to leveraging technology for enhanced legal services and ethical standards.
01.02.2024 – Traditia HR Club se pastreaza si in acest an: “Late Christmas Party”-ul de aseara la care au participat colegele noastre Mariana Voinea si Raluca Mihai, a fost o experienta cu adevarat memorabila!
Intr-o atmosferă plina de bucurie, am sarbatorit impreuna inceputul noului an alaturi de alti colegi din domeniul resurselor umane: oameni pasionati, nu doar de profesia lor, ci si de multe alte subiecte.
Multumim tuturor celor care au făcut aceasta seara atat de speciala, Dana Cavaleru si intregii echipe HR Club. Felicitari pentru frumoasa comunitate pe care ati construit-o si pe care o dezvoltati in continuare!
05.09.2023 – We are thrilled to announce the election of Dan Mihai to the EODID Athens Mediation & Arbitration Organization.
With over 22 years of experience in business law, Dan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. His remarkable arbitration track record, serving on various sport and commercial arbitration panels, both nationally and internationally, and his extensive experience and understanding of the legal landscape will be used tobenefit of the legal sports community.
EODID Athens Mediation & Arbitration Organization is an alternative dispute resolution services provider, aiming at enabling the prompt, cost-effective and efficient resolution of any dispute eligible for mediation and/or arbitration.
Congratulations, Dan!
5.07.2023 – Recently, our colleagues Dan Mihai and Maria ILIN had the privilege of participating in an extraordinary leadership workshop hosted in Athens by @Isle Academy. Over the course of two power-packed days, guided by the expertise of Harvard Business School’s esteemed Prof. Boris Groysberg the event left a lasting impact on the leadership journey.
Interactions with fellow attendees added another layer of depth to the event, fostering networking opportunities and meaningful connections. These exchanges were an indication of the diverse and accomplished professionals in attendance.
The interactive lectures were a highlight of the workshop. Prof. Groysberg shared his extensive research on building great companies in 2023, dispelling common myths and uncovering the true drivers of organizational success. We explored the concept of extreme leadership through historical events, gaining practical tools and techniques to build effective teams and navigate challenges.
Another captivating case study focused on attracting, hiring, and socializing talent. The session illustrated the intricate power dynamics involved in finding the right fit for our organizations, fostering lively discussions and a deeper understanding of effective talent management practices.
This leadership workshop was truly a transformative experience, providing the audience with the tools, insights, and inspiration to elevate the leadership acumen.
Congratulations and thanks to Georgios Sofianos, ISLE ACADEMY for organizing such a remarkable event, and to Prof. Boris Groysberg for his enlightening guidance throughout the workshop.
13.05.2023 – În calitate de parteneri legali ai OMV Petrom Bucharest Half Marathon, suntem încântați să fim din nou parte a acestui eveniment incredibil care celebrează sportivitatea, rezistența și preocuparea pentru un stil de viață sănătos.
Înțelegem provocările și oportunitățile unice din lumea sportului și este datoria noastră să ne asigurăm că fiecare participant are o experiență corectă și plăcută.
Dar angajamentul nostru față de sport depășește domeniul legal. Credem cu tărie că sportul are puterea de a transforma viețile și de a îmbunătăți starea generală de bine. De aceea, încurajăm pe toată lumea să încorporeze sportul și activitatea fizică în viața de zi cu zi.
Așadar, în timp ce te pregătești pentru semi-maratonul bucureștean din acest weekend, să știi că echipa noastră este aici pentru a te susține la fiecare pas. Dacă aveți întrebări sau aveți nevoie de îndrumări juridice legate de eveniment, nu ezitați să ne contactați.
Organizatorii sunt aici pentru a se asigura că experiența ta este dintre cele mai plăcute, iar noi ne asiguram ca se respectă regulile și reglementările care guvernează aceasta competiție.
Vă dorim tuturor, sportivi sau susținători, două zile de sport și activități în aer liber la OMV Petrom Bucharest half marathon 2023!
10.05.2023 – Reflecting on an incredible professional journey as our law firm had the privilege of connecting with our esteemed peers from various countries in the Proteus – International Network of Law Firms. Our recent trip to Budapest was nothing short of extraordinary!
The opportunity to meet and collaborate with colleagues from different legal systems was truly enriching, fostering a deeper understanding and a stronger network within the legal community. Together, we embarked on a journey of knowledge exchange and shared experiences, strengthening our collective expertise and paving the way for future collaborations.
Budapest, with its captivating beauty and vibrant energy, provided the perfect backdrop for this memorable gathering. We marveled at the city’s architectural wonders, and the highlight of our visit was an enchanting Danube cruise, where we sailed under breathtaking bridges and soaked in the mesmerizing skyline.
Moreover, we were treated to an exclusive private tour of the majestic Budapest Opera House. Stepping into this cultural gem was like entering a world of elegance and grandeur, immersing ourselves in the rich history and artistic heritage that Budapest has to offer.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our gracious hosts Tamas Riesz, Boglarka Hirs-Botos, Csaba Biro, and Annamaria Durucsko team for organizing this exceptional experience. This journey has not only expanded our professional horizons but also forged lasting connections and cherished memories. 🤝❤️
Here’s to the power of collaboration, cultural exchange, and the boundless opportunities that lie ahead. See you all next year in Portugal!
28.04.2023 – Colega noastră, Maria Ilin a participat ieri la conferința ordinară anuală a Camerei Consultanților Fiscali și la seminarul de fiscalitate organizat la Palatul Parlamentului.
27.04.2023 – We had the honor of attending the Gopo awards gala in Bucharest, where we joined the celebration of the most talented filmmakers and actors in Romanian cinema.
The event was a true showcase to the exceptional creativity, dedication, and passion of the Romanian film industry, and we were privileged to be part of this inspiring moment.
Our congratulations go out to all the nominees and winners for their outstanding achievements.
Thank you, Gopo awards, for an unforgettable evening!
Proud of our clients, Asociația pentru Promovarea Filmului Românesc, for the constant contribution to our cultural life.
26.04.2023- Our colleague Mariana Voinea sent us a postcardfromBarcelona, where she attended an event organized by AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers.
Let’s see how was the experience in her own words: “As someone who attended the joint Venture Capital and Finance Spring Seminar 2023 in Barcelona, I can tell you it was an exciting and unique event. The seminar focused on the role of VC ecosystems in uncertain times and how lawyers can contribute to this field. Backed by famous international law firms and entrepreneurs investors, and key players, we discussed the importance and power of Venture Capital in today’s global economy.
Besides the academic program, there was an exciting social program that included, among other things, experiences of local cuisine, and an excursion to one of Cataluña’s most famous vineyards.
It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow professionals operating in and around venture capital and experience the vibrant culture of one of Europe’s most beautiful cities”.
25.03.2023 – Today we celebrate Earth Hour and we continue our journey for a better planet by:
✅ turning off the lights when we leave the office
✅ recicyling all the plastic, glass and paper we use during working hours
✅ taking care of our little garden
✅ save water
21.03.2023 – This year our office celebrates 20 years of legal practice. This milestone gives us the opportunity to think of the future plans, of the way we can grow as individuals inside the team, and as a team how we can better serve our clients.
Looking ahead, we explored and talked about the future from various perspectives and we got inspiration from the generous ideas spread by TIMISOARA 2023 – European Capital of Culture: imagination, emotion and light.
Exploring Timisoara these days means to keep your eyes wide open, to catch the beauty of its unspoiled baroque buildings and large pedestrians areas.
It seems that all the ways were heading to Piata Unirii, and the National Museum of Arts where we could discover the works of two great Romanian born artists: Paul Neagu and his hyphen, and Victor Brauner and his magic world. And a concert at the Philharmonic offers the perfect end for a busy week, as music makes you travel miles away in time and space.
You need time to understand how the magic of the art operates, but the emotions reach you instantly. Later, you realize that these worlds could be real, that they might exist elsewhere, beside the artists’ imagination.
And from there we got back to what we are good at, to our daily work, keeping in focus the important things we learnt during this creative and cultural getaway.
1.03.2023 – Mărțișor | The spring has come
“Bună dimineața, Primăvară!
Iar proaspătă te-ntorci în țară,
Tu fragedă, și ea întinerită.
În tara din răspântii verzi, fii binevenită.”
Tudor Arghezi (fragment din Bună dimineața, Primăvară)
25.01.2023 – It takes two to achieve a great performance, and in this moment our biggest pride is to have a client like SOFMEDICA Life-saving Innovation who is celebrating along with their partners their succes. We cannot do more than to thank again for the token of recognition received by Dan Mihai for 22 years of cooperation and trust.
We are looking ahead for many more years of collaboration!

29.12.2022 – 🎄During the year-end party, we had the joy of celebrating several work anniversaries together with (almost) the entire team:
🌷Maria ILIN and Ana-Maria Grigore: 12 years
🌷Dana Laura Buruiană and Oana Ilie: 3 years
🌷Alexandra Andreea Voinea: 1 year
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for another good year.
🎆We are looking forward to the new year, wishing to make 2023 our best year yet, together !
21.12.2022 – ❄️Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year.
From all of us at Mihai & Co. Business Lawyers!
21.11.2022 – Cat de important este in procesul de formare a viitorilor manageri contactul cu oamenii din lumea reala a afacerilor? La invitatia Sandrei Jitianu, Dan Mihai a avut ocazia sa prezinte studentilor de la BISM – Bucharest International School of Management cateva aspecte importante si practice din dreptul muncii, cu accent pe elementele de baza, egalitate, diversitate si incluziune.
Multumim, Sandra Jitianu pentru invitatie si studentilor BISM pentru primire si participarea lor activa in cadrul sesiunii.
21.10.2022 – Halloween Spooky Office party is on its way.
Bats, spiders, black cats and ghosts will take over all tasks for a while.
Our defense line will be the pumpkin decoration contest.
Winners will be announced on our instagram account wearemco
Happy Halloween to everyone and don’t forget to buy candies 😉.
14.09.2022 – We are pleased to announce that our team assisted cleverage.vc on the transaction that involved the selling of its SanoPass minority stake to MedLife Group. We particularly appreciate our client’s vision in encouraging start-up companies, supporting the entrepreneurial spirit aimed at improving some vital aspects of everyday life.
14.04.2022 – Maria Ilin had the pleasure to join PrivacyConnect Bucharest chapter meeting today as part of a local privacy professionals panel who tackled the operational best practices on the latest privacy regulatory developments. The meeting was held at Novotel Bucharest City Centre.

15.03.2022 – Salutăm și sărbătorim prima zi națională a lecturii. Avocații citesc mult, în ceea mai mare parte lucrări de specialitate, dar ne facem timp și pentru literatură și lectură pentru copii. Vă dorim să sărbătoriți și voi această zi cu o carte bună.
27.01.2022 – We are proud to have assisted Edi Iordănescu in the negotiations with the Romanian Football Federation for the position of Head Coach of the Romanian National Football team and we are looking forward to cheering for the team in the next matches. Congratulations and best of luck!
13.12.2021 – We share the #news: our partner Dan Mihai has been appointed #arbitrator of the Permanent Arbitration Court of AHK Romania.
German and Romanian companies can appeal to the Permanent Court of Arbitration, for the settlement of their disputes in a fair and transparent manner.
06.12.2021 – Saint Nicholas went by #ouroffice and left some #workanniversary #diploma for five of our colleagues: Maria ILIN, Ana-Maria Grigore, Mihaela Mindicanu, Dana Laura Buruiană and Oana Ilie.
Congratulations to them for their commitment to the clients and the positive vibe and enthusiasm they spread around, things that we value and celebrate together with the other members of our #team.
16.09.2021 – Suntem fericiți să facem parte din ediția #streetdelivery din acest an, mândri de lucrarea Lunei @laluneaimelesoleil, ale cărei aripi ne vor purta #totmaisus
02.07.2021 – We had our #stars on and off the red carpet at #PremiileGOPO.
A beautiful evening at Amfiteatrul Mihai Eminescu, celebrating the Romanian #cinema.
Maria ILIN & Raluca Mihai
Credit photo: Premiile Gopo
24.03.2021 – Spring begins with a wonderful achievement for Dan Mihai who has been appointed to the Sport Resolutions’ Panel in the International Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators for the period of three years, starting with April 1st.
“This appointment brings me a lot of satisfaction, my passion for sports and law being well known. I am honored to be part of a panel in which I can contribute with specific skills to sport dispute resolutions, particularly in these challenging times for the entire world.” – declared Dan.
Since it was founded in 1997 in response to a legal dispute that shook the foundations of British sport with its financial fallout, Sport Resolutions (SR) has developed into a leading and most respected independent organisation resolving legal issues in sport in the UK and – more increasingly in recent time – internationally.
We are delighted to share with you this great news, wishing Dan inspiration and success in this new role.
16.03.2021 – On March 18 at 14.00, #Zoomevent!
Dan Mihai will be a speaker at the Seminar on good practices in labor legislation organized by HR Club. The topic of discussion will be related to how the #Covid pandemic affected labor relations and how companies have adapted internal procedures to comply with legislation and their own standards.
For details and registration, click here.
1.03.2021 – Bucurosi de primavara si de martisoare!
14.12.2020 – We are pleased to announce Maria Ilin as our firm’s newest Partner, effective 15 December 2020.
Attorney at Law and member of the Bucharest Bar, Maria joined our office in 2010 and since then she proved to be a reliable and trustworthy member of the team, always looking for ways to enhance the firm’s presence in the business community, while ensuring that every client’s needs are met at the highest level of professionalism.
Maria is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E) and an active member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and of the Association of Privacy and Data Protection Specialists (ASCPD).
“I would like to thank Maria for the first ten years with us, for her active contribution to the firm’s growth, the generosity of her ideas and her work ethics. I trust that in the years to come she will show the same involvement and enthusiasm, the same dedication to our clients and support for the integration of the younger members of our team”, said Dan Mihai – founding partner of Mihai & Co. Business Lawyers.
10.12.2020 – We are extremely happy to share with you our winter logo. May the following days bring more of the joy and magic of the winter holidays.

01.12.2020 – Ziua de azi ne unește mai mult ca oricând și suntem bucuroși să putem lansa, concomitent cu pagina noastră de Facebook, noile noastre servicii juridice pentru persoane fizice. Pentru mai multe detalii, vă invităm să accesați site-ul nostru: https://bit.ly/mhlawpf
17.09.2020 – It doesn’t matter if we work from home or from our office, as we try to keep it as homey as possible, inside and outside. The garden and the courtyard allow us to enjoy the last days of summer, while inside we keep it clean and quiet. The best working environment possible.
And a good cup of coffee is always at hand.
Enjoy this Thursday feeling!
Visit us on instagram: https://lnkd.in/ezD7A9m
18.05.2020 – Noul Normal abordat, cum altfel, într-o conferință video. Tema e de interes general, lucrul la distanță, analizat sub toate fațetele, cu specialiști din toate domeniile.
Adrian Locusteanu va fi acum gazda videoconferinței WORK REMOTE -The New Ways of Working. Conectați-vă acum și urmăriți dezbaterile.
Agenda conferinței
1. Munca de la distanță în perspectiva individuală
Schimbarea modului de lucru/schimbare de paradigmă/schimbare de mindset
2. Economia “la 1,5 metri distanță” – provocări și tendințe
Perspectiva companiilor, tendințe & provocări economice generale
3. Implicații juridice, securitate și protecția datelor personale – context legistlativ și privacy
4. Infrastructura și Transformarea Digitală
Covid19 ca posibil vector de transformare & accelerare digitală; cât de pregătiți suntem? Cât de repede putem înainta?
13.05.2020 – In prima zi de lucru după încetarea stării de urgență, Dan Mihai va participa la o conferință pe o temă de actualitate – lucrul la distanță. Alături de Adrian Locusteanu – moderatorul întâlnirii, subiectul va fi dezbătut din mai multe perspective, de la transformarea digitală și siguranța cibernetică, până la legislația muncii, confidențialitatea informațiilor și GDPR.
Urmăriți conferința online, înregistrâdu-vă la adresa de pe site-ul Oxygen Events: https://bit.ly/wroxygen
23.04.2020 – Let’s celebrate together #worldbookday. In this period of #confinement, books have become windows to the outside world, and a mean to fight against isolation. Reading a book to children is both entertaining and a way of teaching them useful things. For grown-ups, could be even a path to their inner space. We share with you today the books that we are reading now and we encourage you to share with us what you read. Have a great reading day and don’t forget to leave your comments below!
02.04.2020 – It’s a completely new state of mind, our houses transformed into satellite headquarters, kindergartens and schools. Our family members turned out into office colleagues, and pets became our passports for a stroll in the park. We work hard these days, trying to preserve a present for future days, using all our knowledge and abilities to find solutions for our clients and the business community. Until we return to the new normality (we don’t know how future looks like), we all #stayhome and so is our logo, confined into a familiar space from which it continues to embody our spirit of #responsibility and #solidarity, that leads and unite us all.
26.03.2020 – Work from home, social distancing, disruption of the way we live, quarantine, uncertainty and yet, spring has come around us. Let’s have a look at it together, as those blossom trees and flowers bring us hope for a return to what we love most: freedom.
Stay home and stay safe! From all of us, at Mihai & Co. Business Lawyers
18.03.2020 – Ne confruntăm cu o criză fără precedent şi, mai mult ca oricând, dorim să transmitem tuturor partenerilor noştri, colaboratorilor şi furnizorilor, hotărârea noastră de a-i susţine cu toată priceperea noastră, alocând toate resursele de care dispunem, pentru a găsi împreună soluţiile pentru depăşirea situaţiei create de încetinirea ritmului economic.
Avem clienţi care sunt deja afectaţi în mod direct de criză, prin scăderea masivă a vânzărilor din ultimele două săptămâni, care antrenează imediat o diminuare a lichidităţilor pe termen scurt şi mediu.
Noi privim acest moment cu multă responsabilitate şi dorim să contribuim, alături de alţi parteneri, la un adevărat fenomen de solidaritate a mediului de business, fiind dispuşi să împărtăşim din know-how-ul nostru în mod public (aşa cum o fac şi alţii).
Suntem în acel moment în care trebuie să înţelegem că doar împreună putem câştiga.
Să privim optimist şi pozitiv, resposabili şi solidari.
09.03.2020 – When Women’s Day is on a Sunday, on Monday the office blossoms with smiles and laughs.
Grateful for the sunny and artsy messages, handmade by some talented kids.
02.03.2020 – Can one describe his/her role in a team through art? This was the hashtagchallenge given by Irina Neacșu – talented designer and illustrator, to the entire team, during the last weekend team-building.
We discovered that we have not only talent, but also extraordinary qualities like the owl’s wisdom, the cat’s bravery, the high aspirations of the Phoenix bird, the cactus’s resilience and it’s surprising flowers, the power of abstraction and the elegance of a multi-leaf clover??☘️?.
We had to use all our manual abilities to go through all the steps of a linogravure, from drawing the model to digging the fragile ditches in which the color could enter and finally transfer it to the linen material.
Dirty hands in the end? Yes! But we enjoyed it so much and we realized how much we can accomplish together, how fun it can be and how surprising is the final result in a situation for which we were completely unprepared at the beginning.
01.03.2020 – Happy people outside the office, on a great team-building weekend in Brașov. We were blessed with sunny days, a productive workshop through which we discovered lots of similarities in our way of thinking, but also differences that are making us distinctive.
We explored the old centre of the city, with its colored houses and we enjoyed all the fun and light-hearted feeling that surrounded us. Grateful to our colleague, Raluca Mihai, for the flawless organization of the entire trip.
20.02.2020 – This morning, during the Labour Law best practices workshop organized by HR Club, our colleague Maria Ilin shared with the local HR community how the human resources departments can include GDPR rules in their current activity.
14.02.2020 – Last night, at the Gala organized by the Hellenic Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce, our colleague Maria Ilin joined the winners of Successful Entrepreneurship Honorary Distinction – SofMedica Life Saving Innovation, in the presence of H.E. Mrs Sofia Grammata – Greek Ambassador to România. Congratulation for this distinction and we wish SofMedica many more life-saving achievements.
31.01.2020 – Colegele noastre Maria Ilin și Oana Ilie au participat la Conferința națională „Prevenirea și combaterea spălării banilor. Impactul noii legi asupra profesiilor liberale” în Aula Magna a Facultății de Drept din București.
16.01.2020 – New twenties are here, with all its charm, grace and fun.
Thank you #hrclub, @madalinatanase, @roxana_velicu, for the invitation and a great time in your company.
11.01.2020 – At the beginning of the year, we are happy to celebrate an important milestone of our online community: more than 1000 followers for our Linkedin account bring us both pride and joy. We thank you for your interest in our work and we will continue to provide you with useful and insightful legal information. Don’t forget to regularly check our brand new website and our insta account www.instagram.com/wearemco for a full image of what we do and who we are.
6.12.2019 – We are happy to share with you our logo for the winter season.
13.11.2019 – Fun Wednesday evening at the Forbes 100 Cool Brands gala with some of the most innovative companies in Romania.
What a great opportunity to connect with entrepreneurs and meet friends from the business.
Well done Forbes!
30.10.2019 – HR Club ne-a propus astăzi o întâlnire interesantă, cu multe subiecte de actualitate, atât pentru companiile mari, cât şi pentru cele mici. Yves Morieux– Boston Consulting Group (BCG)– expert în transformare organizațională, ne-a prezentat modul în care companiile pot pune bazele schimbărilor structurale și de comportament pentru a prospera într-un mediu concurențial. Mulțumim HR Club pentru invitație și așteptăm workshop-urile din a doua parte a zilei.
16.10.2019 – La invitația TNT Computers am participat ieri la Sovata la conferința T.A.R.E. organizată de Asociația Comunelor din România – A.Co.R.
Tema abordată a fost legată de folosirea tehnologiei în administrația publică locală, de felul în care soluțiile informatice ajută la îmbunătățirea serviciilor publice.

11.10.2019 – Duminica aceasta îi ținem pumnii colegului nostru Paul Banzea și tuturor participanților la #BIM-Bucharest International Marathon. Suntem onorați să fim din nou alături de organizatorii maratonului în calitate de #legalpartner și le dorim tuturor participanților mult success în cursa cu ei înșiși, să stabilească noi recorduri personale și să contribuie la cauzele caritabile prezente la BIM, și nu numai.

26.09.2019 – La invitatia HR Club vom ajunge la Iasi pe 10 octombrie. Colega noastra, Maria ILIN va prezenta intr-o maniera interactiva subiectul GDPR din perspectiva specialistului de resurse umane, abordand aspectele practice ale noului regulament. Pentru inscrieri, accesati: http://bit.ly/hrclubis

23.09.2019 – Aseară, la invitaţia lui Tudor Popp, am avut prilejul de a descoperi un proiect inovator – Hotspot Workhub, un nou concept de #coworking ce se va deschide în curând în clădirea The Mark.
Suntem încântați să fim alături de ei în acest nou proiect, iar în cadrul evenimentului de aseară, organizat împreună cu Camera de Comerţ Româno-Germană AHK Romania am admirat în #avanpremieră arhitectura modernă și ergonomia spațiului.
Un loc care oferă excelente condiţii de lucru, ideal pentru companiile aflate la început de drum sau în creştere. Deschiderea oficială este prevăzută pentru iarna aceasta. Mult succes!

19.09.2019 – HR Seminar
Sunteți familiarizați cu HR bots? Automatizarea proceselor de resurse umane se bazează pe tehnologia inteligentă și sunt deja companii care utilizează cu succes roboți și asistenți virtuali în activitatea de resurse umane. La invitația Romania-Insider.com am participat la un seminar pe aceasta tema, care i-a avut printre invitați pe Sonia Bighiu (UiPath), Tudor Petecila (Orange) și Ana-Maria Andrei (Provident), într-un panel moderat de Sandra Jitianu.

28.06.2019 – A premiere for AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers‘ annual arbitration conference in Zurich: a healthcare seminar on the EU single market in medicine and medical devices. #aijaevents with Janine Reudt-Demont | Arne Feber | Dan Mihai | Marco Blei

21.06.2019 – La invitația HR Club, am fost la Cluj pentru un seminar de bune practici în resurse umane.
Noul regulament european pentru protecția datelor a adus provocări tuturor celor ce gestionează date personale, iar specialistii din HR nu fac excepție.
Am discutat împreună despre ce este și cum poate fi identificat un incident de securitate și despre măsurile de securitate ce pot fi luate pentru protecția datelor angajaților. Multumim gazdelor noastre pentru organizare și audienței pentru implicare.

11.06.2019 – Congratulations to our colleague, Maria ILIN on the CIPP/E Certification. What does it literally mean? #CIPP/E stands for Certified Information Privacy Professional in European data protection law, standards and practices and has become a default requirement for any professional advising in the field of EU data protection and privacy regulation. Developed by IAPP – International Association of Privacy Professionals, this credential proofs the complete GDPR knowledge, perspective and understanding to ensure compliance and data protection.

7.06.2019 – Full couple of weeks for our clients who celebrated their latest achievements. From movies premiere #Parking, produced by Libra Film Productions to STIRIXIS Group celebration of Best in the World Public Service Interior Design Award for Emerald Medical Center and ending with the 18th Edition of @Transilvania International Film Festival (TIFF), we were happy to share with them this moments.

13.05.2019 – What a night, Netherlands-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) .What started as a formal business event, with a “traditional Indonesian-Dutch” dinner, glamorous lights and special guests later on transformed into an interactive fair party. Needless to say, the color of the evening was ROYAL ORANGE!

19.04.2019 – Romania – a South-East European Hub for the Dutch business community. In the presence of the Dutch ambassador in Romania, Ms Stella Ronner-Grubacic, our colleagues, Maria ILIN and Dan Mihai had the pleasure to attend the Business Networking Event organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Romania in partnership with the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers VNO-NCW, represented by Mr. Hans de Boer and Netherlands-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) represented by Tom Leene with the participation of NLinBusiness represented by Mr. Edo Offerhaus.

13.04.2019, Prague – We skipped the rain while cruising on Vltava, continuing the yearly Proteus – International Network of Law Firms meeting, with a chilly break for this group picture.

05.04.2019 – Great and insightful AIJA seminar today in Utrecht. It was all about M&A real estates deals, with a study case on tax aspects, and several examples from hospitality, retail and industrial properties. We return tomorrow for the last panels of discussions and a trip boat along the old wharves.

25.03.2019 – We are very happy to announce that our colleague Paul Banzea was recently admitted to the AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers T.R.A.D.E. Commission. T.R.A.D.E. is an acronym for trade, retail, agency, distribution and ecommerce, and the Commission addresses various topics related to national and international commercial law, with a particular focus on distribution channels, including franchising.
Congratulations, Paul!

22.03.2019 – La conferinta de ieri a Camerei Internationale de Comerț ICC, au fost abordate evoluțiile recente în arbitrajul ICC si problemele de arbitraj în materie de construcții în România.

21.03.2019 – Internship-urile sunt la moda printre studenții ce vor sa aibă exeperienta on the job și sunt o oportunitate pentru companii de a-și largi bazinul intern de talente și de a-și întări imaginea de angajator. La HR Club iîn cadrul seminarului de bune practici în legislația muncii, colegul nostru Dan Mihai a susținut o prezentare pe acest subiect, abordând valentele pozitive, dar și provocările pe care le presupune recurgerea la aceasta tehnica de recrutare.

18.03.2019 – Săptămâna trecută am fost, la invitația partenerilor noștri de la NOD Academy, la un workshop dedicat comunității CSP Social Club. Intervenția colegului nostru, Dan Mihai, s-a axat pe problemele legale ale utilizării soft-urilor fără licență. Finalul zilei a fost dedicat networking-ului in jurul unei degustări de vinuri selectionate de gazda.


12.03.2019 – Today we had the traditional Business Breakfast with FiNEXPERT. Of course, we know how the accountant’s know-how can be one great compliment to the lawyer’s know how.

o8.03.2019 – To the bright and charming part of our team, as well as to all the ladies with whom we work with throughout the year: have a lovely women’s day!

03.03.2019 – Our task is finished for now. Good luck mooties! A big hug to the University of Bucharest organizing team! Hope to be there for the mooties next year too as arbitrators and sponsors.

02.03.2019 – Second day of the International conference on arbitration and international commercial contracts is dedicated to the Bucharest Pre-moot competition. Our colleagues, Maria Ilin and Paul Banzea are members in the arbitration panels alongside with students from 16 universities from 10 countries, who are preparing for Willem C. Vis competition – by far, the most prestigious event in the world on international commercial law and arbitration. For us, is an opportunity to support, through our sponsorship and implication, the young generation of lawyers, in their endeavor to achieve the knowledge and skills required in this field.

01.03.2019 – Selfie time in the opening of the 6th Bucharest Pre-moot Conference, a three days event on arbitration. Tonight’s program includes three panels of discussions around this topic, with guests from all over Europe and Romania. Tomorrow morning the simultaneous rounds of pleadings will begin, engaging all teams. Who will win? Stay with us for more.

28.02.2019 – Getting ready for the 6th Bucharest University Pre-moot event this weekend.

22.02.2019 – At the conference organized by Club Español del Arbitraje (CEA) Romanian Chapter, to promote the use of arbitration as a method of conflict resolution, a practice in expansion worldwide. One of the aims was to increase the visibility of the practitioners in this field while promoting the use of arbitration by local and foreign companies.

o8.02.2019 – Shots were fired at Nicolae Titulescu University where leading scholar experts in the field of civil procedural law are commenting on the recent modifications brought to the Romania Civil Procedure Code after law no. 310/2018 has entered into force. We are happy to announce that our litigation department is present and active in understanding exactly how the effects of the new modifications will impact the rights and obligations to any party to a civil litigation. At the same time, it is a pleasure to interact with the participants at the conference, as it seems mixing lawyers and magistrates registers as a good cocktail. If you have any questions regarding the effects of law no. 310/2018 on your pending litigation files or on potential future civil conflicts, Mihai & Co Business lawyers are ready to answer.

08.02.2019 – Since yesterday we are the masters of the networking following the BNI event on Opportunities, 2019. Best way to celebrate the International Networking Week, through sharing stories on visionary communities and talking about the role of the business community in the society.
